Achieving big goals requires planning. You shouldn’t just jump into execution, but should break down the goal into smaller achievable steps. You’ll know you’ve broken the goal into small enough steps if you can quantify how long each step will take and if each step would make sense on a daily todo list. Of course, some parts of a goal may require facing unknowns. You might not know how to break certain aspects of the goal into steps, or you might not know how to quantify how long certain step will take. In either of those cases, the best you can do is to isolate the unknowns and create a time-boxed investigation steps. Use those investigations to better hone the overall plan. Stick to your plan, complete each step, and you’ll achieve your goal.
Habits are different though…
Habits are a pattern of behavior. You can’t plan your way into a habit. Establishing habits requires execution and regularity. As you execute you build momentum. You don’t need a plan, just a commitment. In fact, planning for habits is a distraction, as you spend your time planning instead of spending that time doing. The best time to start a habit is always today. Not later today, but right now. Once you’ve started, use your calendar to stay regular by setting reminders for yourself. If you miss a day, don’t miss the second day. Momentum is your friend.
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